Predecessor Hotfix V.0.5.1
Predecessor Hotfix V.0.5.1

Predecessor Hotfix V.0.5.1

Patch Notes


Hotfix 0.5.1 is deploying shortly.

This patch fixes a handful of small issues introduced in V.0.5.


◆ Fixed bugs with Primary Ability and Blink not working when playing with a controller.
◆ Fixed a bug where Combustion's visual effects were playing from the player's position and not from the ability's landing position.
◆ Cooldown issues have been fixed for the following items:
↪ Ortus
↪ Augmentation
↪ Ashbringer
↪ Demolisher
↪ Spellblade
◆ Fixed some incorrect text that showed on the main menu when using the Custom Match game mode.

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