Season 3 End
Season 3 End

Season 3 End

Greetings Champions!

With Season 3 coming to a close, we wanted to catch you up a few key details about what you can expect from our upcoming V0.15 update and the end of the current season.


The final update of EA Season 3

Key Features

As we close in on the release of Predecessor's final update of EA Season 3, we wanted to share some details on what you can expect from us.

Firstly we're excited to confirm that V0.15 will launch with our reworked Hero Acquisition model. Following your feedback, a new soft currency is being introduced that will allow you to immediately purchase new Heroes such as Argus with no need to grind out specific XP for them. We'll delve into this topic more thoroughly in a blog post later in the week, so stay tuned for that.

There's more too - we've got some improvements to Jungle AI, tweaks for controller users and the usual slew of new skins, items and Hero tweaks!

Lastly we're keen to get our new Hero, Argus (previously known by his codename of Emerald), into your hands. The community have been hard at work unlocking various teases for this new Mad Mage of the Midlane and we cannot wait for you to meet him on the battlefield!

Emerald-Gideon Photo full

Keep an eye out for a trailer and full reveal very soon!

Overall V0.15 is shaping up to be very significant for us. Not only are the above features coming, but we're also releasing a very important collection of broad, backend improvements and optimisations that will fundamentally impact the long-term health of Predecessor.

Release Date

As a result of these changes, the final update of EA Season 3 will release on March 5th, a week outside of our usual 3 weekly update cycle.

We don't intend to make a habit of late updates, but we hope you can understand that this comes from a desire to deliver the best update we can.

End of Season 3 Rewards

V0.15 marks the end of EA Season 3. As such this is your last chance to unlock those Season end rewards we teased last year. Let's take a look now!


Lv. 20 | Emerald Muriel Skin

Emerald Muriel

Lv. 30 | Emerald Steel Skin

Emerald Steel

Lv. 40 | Emerald Wraith Skin

Emerald Wraith

Profile Icons

Lv. 10 | Stormcaller Profile Icon

icon profile stormcaller

Lv. 15 | Arcrune Conduit Profile Icon

Arcrune Conduit


Lv. 25 | Soulstorm Jump Pad VFX

Soulstorm EA S3 Jumpad VFX

Lv. 35 | Soulstorm Recall VFX

T recall season3 icon2

These rewards will be based on your player level at the end of the season (March 5th) and they will distributed shortly after the season ends. The next few weeks are your last chances to increase your player level, so push on if there's a reward you still need to reach!

As previously mentioned we're excited to share more about what's beyond EA Season 3 in the coming weeks. Keep your eyes peeled and brace yourselves for the incoming storm!

- Kari, Lead Community Manager @ Omeda Studios