V1.3.2 Patch Notes

Greetings Champions!
If you’re reading this, it means two things: one, January is almost over, and two, V1.3.2 is launching next week!
Our last update introduced a host of new changes, items, and mechanics—so it’s only fair to follow it up with the necessary balancing adjustments to ensure these features perform as intended.
And don’t forget the new skins! They’re certainly something to look at.
We’re preparing for V1.4, step by step, ensuring everything is in place for the exciting things ahead… but that’s a story for another day.
For now, let’s dive into V1.3.2 and see what’s in store!
Store News
New Skins
Galactic Raider Steel [Rare]
We didn't need to put Steel in even more badass armour, but we did it anyway.

Renegade Drongo [Common]
Drongo decided he would try wearing more neutrals. He’s still donning the iconic orange scarf, though. What an icon.

Kingpin Lt. Belica [Epic]
What if Belica never got her job as a corporate enforcer and had to turn to less savoury means to make a living? We might never know for sure… but we think she’d dress spectacularly.

New Bundles
Galactic Raider Bundle
◆Steel [Hero]
◆Galactic Raider [Skin]
◆Gasp [Spray]
◆Galactic Raider [Banner]
◆Galactic Raider [Icon]
Kingpin Lt. Belica Bundle
◆Lt. Belica [Hero]
◆Kingpin Lt. Belica [Skin]
◆One Shot, One Kill [Overhead Emote]
◆Kingpin Lt. Belica [Banner]
◆Kingpin Lt. Belica [Icon]
Community Coaching
Looking to get good but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you have friends who need coaching, but teaching isn’t your strong suit? This is where our brand-new Community Coaching program comes in!
Community Coaching is a new offering available on our community Discord server where you can get personalized advice and private coaching from hand-selected and highly-experienced Predecessor players!
Each Coach is an expert at different parts of the game, and are available to review gameplay replays, discuss tactics and gameplay over VC, or help in anyway you need it.
Better yet you can earn exclusive Overhead Emotes, Profile Icons and Banners, and even free Hero unlock codes for taking part, so it's well worth a look!
You can join the program by joining our official Discord server and selecting the Student Role during the server onboarding experience or through the Channels & Roles tab.
As part of our ongoing efforts to welcome more new players to Predecessor, we’ll shortly be testing several different elements of our new player onboarding journey.
Gameplay Balance Changes
Tower Fortifications
Outer Towers are receiving a reduction to their early-game Armours, better allowing Plated Segments to be taken as currently it can feel like they are difficult to secure in the earlier stages of a match.
Outer Tower pre-8m Bonus Armours decreased from 80 to 40.
Plated Segment Gold Drop increased from 110 to 120 (55 to 60 per).
Hero Balance Changes

Crunch’s Healing capabilities in the late-game allow him to out-duel the vast majority of enemies in isolated split-push scenarios. To ensure he doesn’t outshine other Offlaners in end-game scenarios, a reduction is being given.
Re-Crunch [Ultimate]:
◆Healing changed from 25/65/105 to 30/60/90.
◆Healing Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 30% to 25%.
◆Healing Magical Power Scaling decreased from 20% to 18%.

Drongo’s ability to all-in with Rad Rounds during the laning phase can be too overwhelming when the ability is levelled first. A small hit to its damage is required to ensure Drongo does not as reliably kill his target in one ability rotation when they are at higher health values.
Rad Rounds [Secondary]:
◆Additional hit damage decreased from 15/23/31/39/47 to 15/22/29/36/43.
◆Additional Hit Total Physical Power Scaling decreased from 20% to 18%.

With the addition of Rapture, Grux has gained a new tool that has further elevated his ability to Grux on his opponents. While Fighter items are receiving their own adjustments that will have a negative impact for Grux, we’re stripping back some of his damage to ensure he does not cut down his foes as easily in the average match.
Bloodlust [Passive]:
◆Damage decreased from 6-57 (+3 per Level) to 6-48.5 (+2.5 per Level)
Double Pain [Alternate]:
◆Total Physical Power Scaling decreased from 125% to 120%.

Kallari possessed a bug that prevented her from Jumping in her chosen direction when using her Passive Double Jump. This has now been resolved.
Shadow Dance [Passive]:
◆[Bugfix] Now correctly Double Jumps in the chosen direction, instead of being forced in the same direction for the second Jump.

While they may have helped his Jungle viability, Kwang's previous round of changes and the introduction of Catalytic Drive have left him feeling a little worse for wear in the offlane. As a result, some increases to his trading potential and ability to stick to targets through his Ultimate are being granted to ensure he keeps pace with the rest of the roster.
Light Of The Heavens [Alternate]:
◆Damage increased from 80/110/140/170/200 to 80/115/150/185/220.
Fury Of The Heavens [Ultimate]:
◆Slow increased from 40%/50%/60% to 45%/55%/65%.

Mourn has found general success since his arrival to the battlefield. However, his ability to disorientate his opponent thanks to Exclipse’s vision reduction and repeat Mesmerizes is currently too oppressive and requires some further tuning, especially as his Beguile was affected by a bug that always resulted in maximum Mezmerize duration being applied to his target even with a quick release. In return, some quality of life changes have been made to Beguile, making it more responsive and enjoyable to use.
Extract [Passive]:
◆Cooldown increased from 9 to 10.
Beguile [Secondary]:
[Bugfix] Now correctly Mesmerizes for 0.5s-1.25s based on Channel Duration, not 1.25s flat.
◆Self Slow decreased from 30% to 25%.
◆[QoL] Delay Before Reactivation decreased from 0.25s to 0.2s.
◆Cooldown increased from 16/15/14/13/12 to 17/16/15/14/13.
Eclipse [Ultimate]:
◆Reduced Vision Radius increased from 1300u to 1500u.

The uptime of Iggy’s Flame Turrets can feel difficult to pick off before he simply replaces them again thanks to their current uptime. Alongside a mild damage decrease, we’re reducing Iggy’s access to them in mid-game with an increase to their cooldown to better ensure that his enemies can keep them down in fights if they commit resources to kill them.
Flame Turret [Primary]:
◆Damage decreased from 14/21/28/35/42 to 14/20/26/32/38.
◆Cooldown increased from 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 to 20/19/18/17/16.

Given that Lt. Belica likes to play in her opponents face during the laning face, her shorter range and lack of mobility tools can leave her feeling exposed to ganks and returned aggression. Some additional movement speed is being offered, better bringing her up to the speed of other immobile heroes in her class, while also enabling her more wiggle room when playing aggressively.
◆Movement Speed increased from 650 to 655.

Murdock offers a lot of control and stability to his team, with him rarely having difficulty in the lane thanks to his long range and control tools. Various reductions across the board are occurring with the goal of reducing his general strength, both in lane and in the mid-game.
Shots Fired [Passive]:
◆Cooldown increased from 14.5-6 (-0.5 per Level) to 16.2--6 (-0.6 per Level).
Static Trap [Secondary]:
◆Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 120% to 100%.
Buckshot [Alternate]:
◆Total Physical Power Scaling decreased from 100%/115%/130%/145%/160% to 100%/112.5%/125%/137.5%/150%.

Riktor is receiving a round of changes aimed at improving his viability in the Jungle and Offlane. This is being done by improving the benefits he receives from levels to ensure it does not overly affect his strength in Support. Alongside some general stats and damage increases for Electrocute to enable more effective PvE power, his Passive Cooldown now decreases as he levels up, better allowing him to withstand poke and play forward as a match progresses.
◆Physical Armor Growth increased from 3.95 to 4.15.
◆Attack Speed Growth increased from 1.4 to 1.7.
Riot Shield [Passive]:
◆Cooldown changed from 10 to 10/8/6 at Levels 1/7/13.
Electrocute [Secondary]:
◆Damage increased from 140/185/230/275/320 to 140/190/240/290/340.
◆Bonus Health Scaling increased from 10% to 11%.
◆Magical Power Scaling increased from 70% to 80%.

Similar to Kwang, with the introduction of some new Items in the previous patch, Shinbi now struggles in various matchups she could navigate before. To help remedy this, some additional strength is being offered to her Rushing Beat and All-Kill, giving her better all-in potential when looking to duel or pick-off an isolated target.
Rushing Beat [Alternate]:
◆Magical Power Scaling increased from 50% to 55%.
All-Kill! [Ultimate]:
◆Damage per Stack increased from 55/90/125 to 60/95/130.
◆Magical Power Scaling per Stack increased from 18% to 20%.

Skylar’s explosion radius on both her Plasma Grenade and Atomiser are currently overly forgiving and not easily dodged by opponents, allowing her to dominate fights with ease. Both abilities are receiving a decrease in their damage area to ensure she must aim with greater precision. Likewise, she is receiving some general damage reductions in other areas, reducing her Hypercharge’s efficacy with On-Hit Items, and a reduction to Plasma Grenades scaling to ensure penetration builds do not hit overly hard.
Plasma Grenade [Primary]:
◆Explosion Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 90% to 75%.
◆Explosion Magical Power Scaling decreased from 50% to 45%.
◆Explosion Radius decreased by 10%.
Hypercharge [Alternate]:
◆On-Hit Modifier decreased from 12% to 10%.
Atomiser [Ultimate]:
◆Explosion Radius decreased by 11%.

Since her previous round of changes, Terra has largely fallen out of favour and struggles to maintain relevance in many Offlane matchups, while also struggling to keep pace in the Jungle due to her slower clear-speed. On top of some general damage increases to her Empowered Ruthless Assault and increased Shielding potency in the mid-game which will benefit both roles, some additional uptime is specifically being offered to Highland Hurl to better allow Terra to deal with single-target camps.
Ruthless Assault [Primary]:
◆Empowered 3rd Hit Damage increased from 50/75/100/125/150 to 60/85/110/135/160.
◆Empowered 3rd Hit Damage Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 120% to 125%.
Highland Hurl [Secondary]:
◆Cooldown decreased from 12/11/10/9/8 to 10/9.5/9/8.5/8.
◆Mana Cost increased from 50/55/60/65/70 to 60/65/70/75/80.
Wild Rush [Alternate]:
◆Shield increased from 10/65/120/175/230 to 10/75/140/205/270.

Thanks to her Harvest Nettles, The Fey has a great time applying pressure to her opponent in lane. Given that this is her primary trading tool in the early lane with high uptime, her Basic Attacks do not need to be hitting as hard and are receiving a reduction in strength. Likewise, her overall damage output and frequent access to Fly Trap leave her outperforming many other Mages with relative ease and are receiving reductions in potency as a result.
◆Physical Power decreased from 60 to 57.
Bramble Patch [Primary]:
◆Damage decreased from 105/145/185/225/265 to 105/140/175/210/245.
Untamed Growth [Alternate]:
◆Damage decreased from 140/195/250/205/360 to 140/190/240/290/340.
Fly Trap [Ultimate]:
◆Cooldown increased from 120/105/90 to 130/115/100.

While the previous round of changes to Yin have helped reduce her overall efficacy and oppressiveness, her ability to outpace and scale quickly still has her continuing to outperform many other Junglers. Targeted changes to her general efficacy and clearspeed are occurring to bring her strength down to more reasonable levels on these fronts, with her receiving a small bump in baseline durability in return to ensure she does not become too unhealthy in her first few clears as a result of these changes.
◆Physical Armor increased from 24 to 25.
◆Health Regen increased from 2 to 2.15.
◆BAT increased from 1.3 to 1.35.
Lash Kick [Primary]:
◆Cooldown increased from 17/15.25/13.5/11.75/10 to 17/15.5/14/12.5/11.
Windburn [Secondary]:
◆Max Health Damage decreased from 2.5%/3%/3.5%/4%/4.5% to 2%/2.5%/3%/3.5%/4%.
◆Monster Damage Cap decreased from 50/60/70/80/90 to 50/55/60/65/70.
◆Healing Total Physical Power Scaling decreased from 10%/12.5%/15%/17.5%/20% to 10%/12%/14%/16%/18%.
Backlash [Alternate]:
◆Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 100% to 90%.

Zarus has largely fallen out of favour in the Offlane, with his Spear Of Nyr frequently falling off in the damage department unless he secures a snowball. Some additional damage is being granted to the ability alongside some shifts to his Mana economy, better allowing him to match up to other Offlaners and not run out of mana as easily when using the rest of his kit, while ensuring excessive Spear use will still have him eventually running out of steam.
◆Mana Growth increased from 45 to 50.
Spear Of Nyr [Alternate]:
◆Damage increased from 75/105/135/165/195 to 75/110/145/180/215.
◆Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 110% to 100%.
◆Mana Cost increased from 35 to 40.

Carries that are ahead tend to become extremely threatening when they have access to a Pacifier reset, often securing multikills with too much ease. A reduction in its damage is required to ensure that Pacifier does not contribute to excessive snowball scenarios with as much ease.
◆Adrenalize Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 30% to 25%.
Tier 1:

Divine Potion is receiving a reduction in its cost as well as some general tuning, making it easier to pick-up in return for slightly less Mana Restore as at its current price it could feel difficult to pick up alongside other Items.
◆Cost decreased from 350 to 250.
◆Total Health Regen decreased from 160-360 to 150-350.
◆[Bugfix] Now correctly Heals for 150 Health, not 140 Health.
◆Total Mana Regen decreased from 100-135 to 80-135.

Feather currently overly rewards players that are able to hold onto it for excessive periods of time. While we plan on making further adjustments to Feather in a future pass, for now we are reducing its general gold generation in return for a higher sell value to reduce the cases of excessive snowballing, thereby giving more incentive to sell it and cash out once you’re happy with your returns.
◆Sell Value increased from 300 to 400.
◆Gold on Unit Kill decreased from 7 to 6.
◆Gold on Camp Leader Kill decreased from 17 to 15.

Given its more specialised effect, Ashbringer is currently understated and is receiving some additional Physical Power to provide it with more general combat strength.
◆Physical Power increased from 30 to 35.

Since its return, Viper has emerged as a contender for one of the best Carry Items, smoothly fitting into a variety of builds. A small reduction in Attack Speed is being levied to ensure it is more in-line with other options.
◆Attack Speed decreased from 30% to 25%.

While it is certainly strong on its initial purchase, Solaris tends to fall-off a little too hard in the later stages while not quite meeting the Mana needs of its users. Alongside higher Mana and Solarblade scaling to remedy these issues, a small reduction in price is also being given to make it more comparable in price-point to other first-buys.
◆Cost decreased from 3200 to 3100.
◆Mana increased from 250 to 300.
◆Solarblade Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 15% to 20%.

Syonic Echo is currently too expensive relative to other Assassin options and is receiving a small price reduction to better allow it to curve into various builds.
◆Cost decreased from 3000 to 2900.
Various commonly brought Fighter Items are receiving a reduction to the raw Health they offer to combat the rise of Bruiser potency, especially now that Demolisher has lost its anti-health effect which has left many Carries struggling to deal with them. While subtle in isolation, the combination of these changes should leave Bruisers feeling more manageable for all other Classes to reasonably deal with thanks to them possessing less overall durability.

◆Health decreased from 300 to 275.

◆Health decreased from 350 to 300.

Alongside its reduction in Health, Earthshaker is receiving a shift to its Power and Attack Speed to better differentiate it from Rapture as the more ability-orientated Attack Speed option for Fighters.
◆Physical Power increased from 30 to 35
◆Attack Speed decreased from 30% to 25%.
◆Health decreased from 300 to 250.

◆Health decreased from 350 to 300.
◆Physical Armor increased from 35 to 40.

◆Health decreased from 400 to 375.

Since its addition, Rapture and its users have become clear overperformers. As a result, it is receiving hits across the board that are aimed at reducing its general efficacy, bringing it into greater parity with other Items.
◆Health decreased from 300 to 250.
◆Ability Haste decreased from 15 to 10.
◆Omnivamp decreased from 7% to 6%.
◆Nearsight Damage decreased from 20 to 18.
◆Nearsight Bonus Health Scaling decreased from 3.5% to 3%.

◆Health decreased from 350 to 300.

◆Health decreased from 375 to 350.

Even against squishier targets, Megacosm continues to outperform other burst options in the overall damage department thanks to the general potency of its DoT effect. A reduction is required to ensure it is less of a catch-all and further reinforces its identity as an anti-health option.
◆Disintegrate Max Health Damage decreased from 3% to 2.5%.

Despite its generally desirable stat profile, Noxia struggles to find its place in various builds due to the underwhelming uptime of its effect compared to the efficacy of other options. More uptime on its effect is being given to better allow for a second activation in a fight.
◆Dark Matter Cooldown decreased from 10s to 8s.

A small price cut for Timewarp to make it that little bit sweeter to buy.
◆Cost decreased from 3050 to 3000.

Quantum Core struggles to provide enough raw value for its cost, given its more conditional Blink effect which does not necessarily equate to combat strength. While further quality of life adjustments are planned for it in the future, some general stat improvements are being offered in the meantime to allow it better functionality for its prospective users.
◆Cost decreased from 2600 to 2500.
◆Health increased from 450 to 500.
◆Mana increased from 250 to 300.

While the Catalytic Drive is providing Tanks with a fresh new way to itemise against magical threats, it’s currently offering too much value across the board, especially in the waveclear and sustain departments which can result in a cessation of interaction in the lane once it’s online. Reductions to its waveclear, healing, and free gold on offer are required to ensure that the Item does not result in these low-interaction scenarios as frequently.
◆Base Health Regen decreased from 100% to 80%.
◆Deconstruction Damage decreased from 100 to 60.
◆Deconstruction Damage Bonus Health Scaling decreased from 6% to 5%.
◆Deconstruction Healing Max Health Scaling decreased from 6% to 5%.
◆Deconstruction Bonus Gold decreased from 10 to 8.

Alongside the changes to Catalytic Drive, Cybernetic Drive is also losing the additional Ability Haste it gains on evolution to ensure it does not provide too much value in a single slot while also reducing the how desirable it is for other Classes to poach it.
◆Base Health Regen decreased from 120% to 100%.
◆Ability Haste decreased from 15 to 10.
◆Lesser Deconstruction Damage decreased from 100 to 80.
◆Lesser Deconstruction Damage Bonus Health Scaling decreased from 6% to 5%.
◆Lesser Deconstruction Healing Max Health Scaling decreased from 6% to 5%.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where Tutorial Video Background Music was too loud.
Fixed an issue where Mourn’s Beguile would always Mesmerize for its full duration, regardless of Channel Duration.
Fixed an issue where Mourn’s Contagion Description would state the incorrect Effect Duration.
Fixed an issue where the In-game Shop could become unresponsive for Controller users when navigating the “Tier” tabs.
Fixed an issue where Kallari’s Shadow Dance would force itself to jump in the same direction twice.
Fixed an issue where Affinity Unlocks would not trigger their acquisition animation when gained.
Fixed an issue where Skin and Hero purchases could soft-lock Menu navigation.
Fixed an issue where Terminus could gain its Shield from damaging Towers.
And that’s the end of V1.3.2 patch notes! A healthy amount of fixes and changes, as we're slowly getting everything ready for V1.4.
If you have any feedback or questions about this patch, don’t hesitate to ask us on Discord or Reddit!
Until next time,
Rei & Omeda_Zuzu
Game Design, and Community @ Omeda Studios