V1.2.2 Patch Notes
V1.2.2 Patch Notes

V1.2.2 Patch Notes



Fixed an issue where the leaderboard would load slowly or sometimes display an incorrect position.
Players will no longer be locked in the Pause menu if they attempt to surrender while using a controller. (Note: The known issue where the Pause menu remains unresponsive until the surrender countdown ends will be resolved in the next update.)
Fixed an issue preventing players from starting a surrender vote if they disconnected and reconnected after a failed surrender attempt.
Matches will now be correctly canceled if a player disconnects during the loading screen.

Ranked Changes

These are changes we wanted to include in 1.2.2 but were delayed. In 1.2 we removed the promotion game between Divisions without changing the way demotion worked and unintentionally caused a lot of players to move up in Ranks faster then their internal MMR. We are now taking more VP away from a player when they are demoted to counter balance the removal of promotional games as will as changing VP gains in Platinum so player's have less net negative VP when they have outpaced their rank.

Reverted the change in 1.2 for VP gains to Platinum III and Plat II.
Slightly adjusted VP gains in Gold I and Gold II.
When demoted from a Division or Rank, VP is now set to 75 (previously it was 90).
Reduced Demotion Protection between Ranks for Gold and Platinum.


Greetings Champions!

It feels like it was just last week when we launched V1.2. We’ve been overwhelmed by the avalanche of positive messages and comments you’ve sent our way, keeping us motivated through these long dark nights as we worked on a Balance Update fit to follow 1.2.

To wrap up the year we’re excited to share Balance Update 1.2.2, stuffed full of new skins, balance tweaks and more to tie a bow on 2024.

Let’s get stuck in!

Winterfest 2024

He sees you when you’re sleeping, Winter Warden Argus knows when you’re awake…

The festive season is fully upon us and Predecessor has been transformed for the holidays! Snow has fallen, Argus is glaring at us from the main menu, and the Peppermint Kallari skin is finally back in season! Sweet!

A New Battlepass Format

Winterfest has landed, bringing with it plenty of seasonal content via Predecessor’s first Battle Pass! 

Winterfest Track

A flurry of seasonal rewards awaits anyone prepared to venture out into the festivities, such as all-new profile cosmetics and the exclusive new Yuletide Zinx Skin!

Zinx Yelutide Hero art

Or you can opt into premium rewards, unwrapping extra goodies like VFX kits and the exclusive Runehorn Warden Argus Skin!

Argus Prime Runehorn Warden Hero art

XP Changes

Following feedback from the event’s launch last week, we’ve increased the amount of Winterfest XP you can earn from playing matches. There’s never been a better time to grind out those festive treats!

Increased Winterfest XP gained in Standard and Ranked by 80%.
Increased Winterfest XP gained in Brawl by 110%.

These changes will take effect with V1.2.2 and will apply to XP earned from that point onward.

Event Information

Winterfest runs until January 7th, so there’s plenty of time to jump in and grind!

For more information about Winterfest, check out our dedicated Winterfest 2024 blog.

Early Access Skins - Reinvented 

Many of you will remember recent discussions we’ve had with the community surrounding Early Access skins and how best we might be able to let more players, particularly those who played in Early Access but weren’t able to purchase them due to platform limitations, get access to these skins.

To celebrate our second anniversary we’re thrilled to be releasing all-new versions of those Early Access skins, allowing us to share the overall look of them with more players without impacting the exclusivity that others bought during Early Access.

EA Skins Reinvented

These new skins have been added to the store in bundles that reflect the tiers of support offered during Early Access, ie; Rare, Epic and Legendary, with each adding more skins than the last. 

Already owned some of the Early Access skins that these are based on? You’ll be automatically given the reinvented skin, free!

To make this work we’ve converted the original Early Access skins into variants of these new skins, which are now the default skin. So if you previously owned the EA Constructor Steel Skin, you’ll now find it’s been replaced by the Constructor Steel Skin, and the Early Access version you had before is now a variant of that.

2nd Anniversary Celebration

Last week Predecessor turned two years old. To celebrate this milestone we’re giving YOU a gift!

Log in anytime before the end of the year to receive a free Profile Icon celebrating our 2nd anniversary!

2nd anniversary icon

On behalf of the entire Omeda Studios team we’d like to thank you all for the immense support and dedication you’ve shown us over the years. We look forward to more celebrations in the years to come!

PlayStation Leaderboards

Earlier this week we resolved the certification blockers that had forced us to delay launching Ranked Leaderboards on PlayStation. As such this feature is now live!

Store News

New Skins

Winter Regal Dekker [Rare]

Get ready to spread festive cheer (and Stasis Bombs) throughout Sanctuary in Dekker’s all-new festive finery!

Dekker winter regal text

Northern Mystic Morigesh [Legendary]

With glistening new VFX, SFX and more, Morigesh’s new Legendary Skin will leave her victims frozen in fear! Available in bundles alongside two additional colour variants.

Morigesh Northern Mystic Hero art

Frozen Hearth Aurora [Rare]

Dominate the frozen lands of Sanctuary and deliver frost-chilled judgement on your foes. Available in bundles alongside two additional colour variants.

Aurora Frozen Hearth Hero art

Returning Holiday Skins

Peppermint Kallari [Common]

Peppermint Kallari

Yuletide Feng Mao [Common]

Yuletide Feng Mao

Jingle Bombs Iggy & Scorch [Common]

Iggy Jingle Bombs

Old Saint Riktor [Rare]

Old Saint Riktor

Frost King Revenant  [Legendary]

Frost King Revenant

New Bundles

Winter Regal Dekker Bundle

  • Dekker [Hero]

  • Winter Regal Dekker [Skin]

  • Crystal Winter Regal Dekker [Skin Variant]

  • Cosy Dekker [Spray

  • Winter Regal [Banner

  • Winter Regal [Icon

Winterfest 2024 Bundle

  • Morigesh [Hero]

  • Northern Mystic Morigesh [Skin]

  • Tinsel Northern Mystic Morigesh [Skin Variant]

  • Peppermint Northern Mystic Morigesh [Skin Variant]

  • Aurora  [Hero]

  • Frozen Hearth Aurora [Skin]

  • Highlander Frozen Hearth Aurora [Skin Variant]

  • Imperial Frozen Hearth Aurora [Skin Variant]

Winterfest 2023 Bundle

  • Revenant  [Hero]

  • Frost King Revenant [Skin]

  • Kallari  [Hero]

  • Peppermint Kallari [Skin]

  • Iggy & Scorch  [Hero]

  • Jingle Bombs Iggy & Scorch [Skin]

  • Riktor [Hero]

  • Old Saint Riktor [Skin]

  • Feng Mao [Hero]

  • Yuletide Feng Mao [Skin]

Supporter [Rare]

  • Steel [Hero]

  • Constructor Steel [Skin]

  • Gideon [Hero]

  • Inquisitor Gideon [Skin]

Supporter [Epic]

  • Steel [Hero]

  • Constructor Steel [Skin]

  • Gideon [Hero]

  • Inquisitor Gideon [Skin]

  • Murdock [Hero]

  • Wasteland Murdock [Skin]

  • Khaimera [Hero]

  • Grux Pelt Khiamera [Skin]

Supporter [Legendary]

  • Steel [Hero]

  • Constructor Steel [Skin]

  • Gideon [Hero]

  • Inquisitor Gideon [Skin]

  • Murdock [Hero]

  • Wasteland Murdock [Skin]

  • Khaimera [Hero]

  • Grux Pelt Khiamera [Skin]

  • Grux [Hero]

  • Galactic Raider Grux [Skin]

  • Muriel [Hero]

  • Eclipse Muriel [Skin]

  • Crunch [Hero]

  • Blacksite Crunch [Skin]

New Skin Variants 

Do you love some of the skins, but they feel they could be made better by a different colour? Some of our existing skins are getting new variants - check them out!

  • Salamander Warlord Zarus

  • Copper Heavenly Focus Kwang

  • Olive Shogun Wraith

  • Jasper Obsidian Rampage

  • Serenity Shogun Countess

  • Jade Glacial Empress Auroa

  • Oxblood Clockwork Revenant

  • Olive Ruby Scarab Grux

Returning Timed Exclusive Content 

The following skins were timed exclusives that many thought were lost to the ages… but no more! They’re back and they will remain in store as permanent stock.


  • Occult Kira

Skin Variants

  • Nebula Quantum Lt. Belica

  • Nova Quantum Lt. Belica

  • Alabaster Rogue Kallari

  • Onyx Rogue Sparrow 

  • Cobalt Shogun Wraith

  • Hypernova Ruby Scarab Grux

  • Onyx Ruby Scarab Grux

  • Ice Occult Kira

  • Sakura Occult Kira

  • Amethyst Grux Pelt Khaimera

  • Malachite Grux Pelt Khaimera

  • Topaz Grux Pelt Khaimera

  • Gunmetal Summer Fun TwinBlast

  • Pastel Summer Fun TwinBlast

  • Blood Ivory Warlord Argus

  • Hornet Warlord Argus

Gameplay Balance Changes


Grey Camp (3):

  • Large Physical Power decreased from 28 (+10 per Level) to 26 (+8 per Level).

  • Small Health decreased from 750/850 (+40 per Level) to 720/820 (+35 per Level).

  • Small Physical Power decreased from 8 (+4 per Level) to 7 (+4 per Level).

Hero Balance Changes

Web Banner Argus

Argus’ Ultimate experienced a bug as of the v1.2 update where it was no longer able to be fired through Towers. This has now been resolved.

Synaptic Obliterator [Ultimate]:

[Bugfix] Now correctly Pierces through Towers.

Web Banner Crunch

For this pass, we have a rather long list of changes for Crunch. Alongside some stat adjustments, in simple terms, we’re shifting some of his damage potential into his Left Crunch and Cross Crunch, and away from his Right Crunch and Forward Crunch abilities. We’ll monitor how well these changes land, but the goal is to reward Crunch more for using an Empowered Left Crunch while weaving in Basic Attacks with his Passive Empowerment, while taking some of the raw damage out of his CC-chain. As a result, Crunch should find more value from stringing combos together that are right for the situation, but should he simply kit dump and rely on Stun-locking his target, he should feel a noticeable drop in damage potential.


Physical Power decreased from 62 to 60.

Attack Speed Growth increased from 1.4 to 2.

Physical Armor decreased from 28 to 26.

Mana Growth decreased 65 to 45.

Base Mana Regen increased from 1.3 to 1.5.

Cross Crunch [Passive]:

Total Physical Power Scaling increased from 20% to 25%.

Left Crunch [Primary]:

Damage decreased from 35/70/105/140/175 to 25/55/85/115/145.

Total Physical Power Scaling increased from 95% to 115%.

Magical Power Scaling increased from 75% to 85%.

Right Crunch [Secondary]:

Damage decreased from 85/115/145/175/205 to 85/110/135/160/185.

Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 60% to 50%.

Magical Power Scaling decreased from 70% to 65%.

Mana Cost decreased from 50/55/60/65/70 to 40.

Forward Crunch [Alternate]:

Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 65% to 50%.

Magical Power Scaling decreased from 45% to 35%.

Web Banner Countess

Countess’ ability to heal through punishment, especially once teamfights roll around, has left her feeling far too durable given the damage she can dish out - especially when building tanky. A general hit to her Blade Siphon’s uptime, as well as its Healing Modifier against Heroes, is being levied to help bring her into greater parity.

Blade Siphon [Alternate]:

Cooldown increased from 8/7.25/6.5/5.75/5 to 8/7.5/7/6.5/6.

Hero Healing Modifier decreased from 4x to 3x. 

Feast [Ultimate]:

Damage decreased from 180/290/400 to 180/280/380.

Web Banner Dekker

Dekker’s ability to stay elusive thanks to the high uptime on rocket boots often leaves her feeling difficult to catch out should she position poorly. As a result, we're reducing the amount of cooldown refund an ability use applies to Rocket Boots to provide her with some additional risk when playing carelessly.

Rocket Boots [Passive]:

Cooldown Refund on Ability Use decreased from 3 to 2.5.

Photon disruptor [Primary:

Mana Cost decreased from 55/60/65/70/75 to 50/55/6065/70.

Web Banner Drongo

Drongo is receiving a small hit to Old Rusty’s Scaling to ensure it does not become too powerful of a poke tool should he begin to snowball with a lead.

Old Rusty [Alternate]:

Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 55% to 50%.

Web Banner Greystone

Greystone has received a rather substantial bugfix that managed to fly under the radar for some time. Previously, his Sacred Oath would not increase its damage when leveled, meaning Greystone was losing a significant amount of value when investing in the ability. This has since been resolved, and due to the incredible amount of strength he has gained from the fix (it's a lot), we have nerfed his damage output in various areas to offset some of this newfound strength.


Attack Speed Growth decreased from 1.9 to 1.7.

Lightbringer [Basic Attack]:

Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 90% to 85%.

Sacred Oath [Secondary]:

[Bugfix] Damage now correctly increases when the Ability is Levelled. 

Damage decreased from 25/40/55/70/85 to 25/35/45/55/65.

Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 25% to 20%.

Web Banner Grux

Grux’s general immobility and reliance on drawn-out fights leaves him feeling difficult to succeed within the later stages of the match as laning becomes less important, especially in higher ranks of play. Some additional burst and mobility is being granted as a match progresses to better allow him to function outside of the lane.


BAT decreased from 1.15 to 1.1. 

Crush [Secondary]: 

Cooldown decreased from 16/14.75/13.5/12.25/11 to 16/14.5/13/11.5/10.

Double Pain [Alternate]:

Damage decreased from 15/35/55/75/95 to 10/30/50/70/90.

Total Physical Power Scaling increased from 110% to 125%.

Web Banner Kallari

Kallari has suffered from an extreme feast-or-famine dynamic for a while now, with her often feeling hopeless in an even game state and taking too much damage when clearing her Jungle, but incredibly oppressive for the Enemy Team when she manages to get ahead. To bring some greater consistency, we’re granting Kallari a range of changes aimed at providing her more baseline ability strength and general durability, but less extreme Scalings. This means she should find more success in an average match roughly between levels 7-13, but find herself not running away with a match as quickly even after securing a couple of kills.


Health Growth increased from 115 to 118.

Physical Armor Growth increased from 3.15 to 3.35.

Shadow Walk [Primary]:

Health Regen Physical Penetration Scaling increased from 25% to 30%.

Death Mark [Secondary]:

Cooldown decreased from 20/19/18/17/16 to 20/18.5/17/15.5/14.

Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 4% to 4.5%.

Crippling Dagger [Alternate]:

Damage increased from 70/90/110/130/150 to 70/95/120/145/170.

Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 115% to 100%.

Slow increased from 30% to 35%.

Guillotine [Ultimate]:

Damage increased from 220/360/500 to 240/380/520.

Total Physical Power Scaling decreased from 120%/130%/140% to 100%/120%/140%.

Web Banner Kira

Kira’s Purge is still not quite hitting the mark in the damage department when it comes to being a justifiable risk to use in end-game teamfights, even if timed well. Once again we’re upping its general Scaling, with Rank 1 being approximately the same, but it growing stronger as she approaches Rank 3.

Purge [Ultimate]:

Damage decreased from 250/450/650 to 230/440/650.

Total Physical Power Scaling increased from 360% to 390%.

Web Banner LT Bellica

Since the previous round of changes, Lt.Belica has seen a return to form. However, the compounding Mana she gains from her Passive when maxing out an Ability provides her with too much value when paired with items such as Azure Core and Soulbearer (especially due to their Mana Scaling Shields), and as such is being nudged down.

Innovation [Passive]:

Maximum Mana gain per Ability decreased from 10% to 5%.

Web Banner Murdoc

Murdock’s ability to repeatedly poke out his lane opponent and drag waves thanks to his Shots Fired provides him with an incredible amount of safety and control, especially given how well it scales his general DPS throughout a match. A reduction in its uptime in general is being taken, reducing some of his lane dominance while ensuring the efficacy of Attack Speed-heavy builds compared to building raw power is not too skewed in one direction.

Shots Fired [Passive]:

Cooldown increased from 12.8-6 (-0.4 per Level) to 14.5-6 (-0.5 per Level).

Cooldown Reduction On-Hit decreased from 1.5s to 1s.

Web Banner Muriel

Given the lack of general Crowd Control she possesses, Muriel can often feel as if she lacks autonomy to influence a match by herself outside of her Ultimate, and can feel difficult to justify picking over other more well-rounded alternatives as a result due to the impact she has on composition of her Team. To help her keep up in the Support department, some additional laning strength is being granted, further rewarding Muriel’s that risk some aggression and invest in Serenity in the early game.

Serenity [Primary]:

Damage increased from 85/125/165/205/245 to 85/130/175/220/265.

Magical Power Scaling decreased from 60% to 55%.

Alacrity [Alternate]:

Mana Cost decreased from 50 to 40.

Web Banner Narbash

Narbash’s general ability to become a menace as the match progresses thanks to his team-wide healing and utility can often leave him feeling like a ticking time-bomb that is difficult to shut down even when focused. Some general durability reductions and Mana Pool hits are applied to make it a more viable option for his Enemies to attempt focusing him down in a fight should he miss-step, meaning Narbash must pay closer attention to his positioning, and keep a closer eye on his Mana Pool while assisting his team.


Health Growth decreased from 126 to 122.

Health Regen decreased from 1.35 to 1.2.

Health Regen Growth decreased from 0.22 to 0.15.

Mana Growth decreased from 50 to 44.

Movement Speed decreased from 675 to 670.

Song Of My People [Secondary]:

Healing per Rhythm Stack decreased from 0.2/0.225/0.25/0.275/0.3 to 0.175/0.2/0.225/0.25/0.275.

Web Banner Phase

While most Supports rarely hit Level-16 in an average match, we’re granting Phase some additional uptime on her Ultimate as the match progresses to allow her some additional freedom of use in those late-game macro scenarios should she look to utilise it for an aggressive play.

Hyperflux [Ultimate]:

Cooldown decreased from 120/105/90 to 120/100/80.

Web Banner Rampage

Rampage struggles to shine compared to some of the more common Junglers currently, often feeling too chained to his Boulder Toss to have any impact. To help him further along, some additional sticking power and mobility is being granted to Rumble and Pounce, better allowing him to scrap out a fight and play aggressively beyond his rock.

Rumble [Secondary]:

Slow Duration increased from 1s to 1.25s.

Pounce [Alternate]:

Cooldown decreased from 20/19/18/17/16 to 18/17/16/15/14.

Web Banner Revenant

Revenant is receiving a small shift to his Obliterate, with it now dealing less damage to isolated targets that eat the full ability in the early game, but gaining some additional scaling in return to normalise it into the late-game and allowing him to clear waves a little easier by himself. Additionally, Reckoning is receiving a hit to how long Revenant can stay hidden in the Nether Realm, meaning he must kill his target more decisively, while also possessing less time to stall out or flee fights in the late game.

Obliterate [Primary]: 

Subsequent Missile Damage decreased from 20% to 18%.

Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 40% to 45%.

Bonus Magical Power Scaling increased from 70% to 75%.

Reckoning [Ultimate] 

Duration decreased from 6/7/8 to 6/6.5/7.

Web Banner Riktor

Riktor’s ability to threaten kills in the early lane can leave him feeling rather oppressive to play against. To help even the playing field, he is losing some early durability and burst within his Riplash. This will allow his opponents a greater chance of matching up to his pressure and allowing for a stronger punish should he miss or take too much poke throughout the lane.


Physical Armor decreased from 24 to 22.

Riplash [Alternate]:

Damage decreased from 30/60/90/120/150 to 20/50/80/110/140.

Web Banner Serath

Serath’s general ability to blow through a team after a reset is largely supplemented by the raw burst damage offered by Chastise throughout a match. To ensure she does not achieve that reset too easily, or poke too effectively in the Offlane, some damage is being pulled out of Chastise, giving her opponents a greater chance of survival against her, and more room to prevent her reset attempts.

Chastise [Alternate]:

Damage decreased from 100/145/190/235/280 to 100/140/180/220/260.

Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 80% to 75%.

Web Banner Sevarog

Sevarog’s general ability to bully out his lane opponent from minute-one during thanks to the damage offered by Siphon provides him with too much stability and safety in the early levels, given his capacity to become a scaling menace as the game progresses. To resolve this, some of the raw strength and sustain offered by Siphon is being reduced to give his opponents a better chance of shutting him down in the lane before he grows out of control.


Siphon [Primary]:

Damage decreased from 100/115/130/145/160 to 85/100/115/130/145.

Hero Healing decreased from 15% to 12%.

Web Banner Shinbi

Shinbi’s Line Tempo lacks sufficient damage to be a meaningful mid-range poke tool in the later stages of a match, meaning she is often relegated to relying on Items for their effects, such as Megacosm, Oathkeeper and Prophecy, to have an impact in fights, rather than being able to benefit from the Magical Power they offer. To provide her with more mid-range functionality as team fights start to roll around and poking becomes more required, we’re shifting some of her power away from her Basic Attacks, and pushing it into her Line Tempo instead.


BAT increased from 1.1 to 1.15.

Biting Melody [Passive]:

Magical Power Scaling decreased from 15% to 12%.

Line Tempo [Primary]:

Damage changed from 85/110/135/160/185 to 80/110/140/170/200.

Magical Power Scaling increased from 45% to 55%.

Cooldown decreased from 7.5/6.5/5.5/4.5/3.5 to 7/6/5/4/3.

Web Banner Skylar

Skylar tends to struggle to find her feet in the early game, lacking the access to the level of poke and mana access that many other Carries possess. Some adjustments are being granted to her Plasma Grenade and early Mana Pool, allowing he to dish out grandes with more freedom. In return, Air Assault is receiving an increase to its cost, meaning the Mana increase will be cannibalised if she is forced to use it too frequently, alongside a hit to her early Magical Armor to ensure Mid Lane Skylar does not overly benefit from these changes.


Magical Armor decreased from 23 to 21

Magical Armor Growth increased from 0.7 to 0.85.

Mana increased from 320 to 350.

Plasma Grenade [Primary]:

Cooldown decreased from 14/13/12/11/10 to 12/11/10/9/8.

Air Assault [Secondary]:

Mana Cost increased from 70 to 80.

Web Banner Steel

Steel is receiving a reduction to his Movement Speed and Shield Bashy uptime, thereby reducing his ability to cause disruption around the map, or stick to opponents in fights.


Movement Speed decreased from 685 to 680.

Shield Bash [Alternate]:

Cooldown increased from 10/9.5/9/8.5/8  to 10.5/10/9.5/9/8.5.

Web Banner Terra

Terra’s general durability grows too high thanks to the inherent armors offered by her Ultimate, which in turn allows her to invest heavily into damage while still being incredibly durable. To provide for a more balanced trade-off, a large portion of the free durability is being reduced, as well as some other general hits across her kit to ensure she cannot as easily run through a team with reckless abandon and execute the Enemy backline, or repeatedly charge into her lane opponent with Wild Rush in the early lane due to the reduction in Mana, lest she run dry.


Mana decreased from 370 to 350.

Ruthless Assault [Primary]:.

Empowered Third Hit Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 125% to 120%.

Wild Rush [Alternate]:

Cooldown increased from 15/14/13/12/11 to 16/15/14/13/12.

Unstoppable Force [Ultimate]:

Bonus Physical Armor decreased from 8/16/24 to 8/12/16.

Bonus Magical Armor decreased from 8/13/18 to 6/9/12.

Web Banner The Fey

Since her general improvements a few months back, Fey found a large rise in success. However, the amount of burst damage, Mana efficiency, and disruption she currently possesses leaves other Mages struggling to keep pace. General damage reductions are needed throughout her kit to ensure she does not as easily blow through Enemies with a single rotation of abilities, alongside a higher Mana cost to Harvest Nettles to ensure her Mana Pool can be drained over time should she miss too frequently. In return for these large damage nerfs however, she is receiving some increased uptime on Harvest Nettles after Rank 4, making her a little less reliant on Haste itemisation, and further incentivising her to invest in the ability.

Bramble Patch [Primary]:

Damage decreased from 120/160/200/240/280 to 105/145/185/225/265.

Magical Power Scaling decreased from 50% to 45%.

Harvest Nettles [Secondary]:

Damage decreased from  85/120/155/190/225 to 80/115/150/185/220.

Mana Cost increased from 40 to 50.

Cooldown changed from 4 to 4.5/4.25/4/3.75/3.5.

Fly Trap [Ultimate]:

Damage decreased from 250/375/500 to 250/350/450.

Magical Power Scaling decreased from 65% to 60%.

Yin Web Banner

To help reduce the more overwhelming elements of Yin, we are reducing her early Mana pool to bring some greater volatility to her Offlane presence in the early game, while issuing  hits to her Lash Kick mobility and general Sustain to more manageable levels as the mid-game rolls around. As for Bruiser Yin, with Bonesaw receiving a major hit to the Attack Speed it offers, Yin will no longer be able to poach it as freely without suffering a larger damage trade-off. This will bring a greater differentiation between Carry and Bruiser Yin builds. As a result, we are refraining from touching her too heavily beyond this as we wish to continue monitoring her results as players master her further and be unable to crutch on Bonesaw as freely.


Mana decreased from 390 to 360.

Silksong [Basic Attack]:

[Bugfix] Improved hit registration to decrease the number of “false hits” that could occur.

Lash Kick [Primary]:

Cooldown increased from 17/15/13/11/9 to 17/15.25/13.5/11.75/10.

Windburn [Secondary]:

Healing Total Physical Power Scaling decreased from 10%/13.5%/17%/20.5%/24% to 10%/12.5%/15%/17.5%/20%.

[Bugfix] Improved hit registration to decrease the number of “false hits” that could occur.

Web Banner Zarus

Zarus is receiving some slight changes to his Coliseum, with its range being the most notable change at a -10% reduction. This means Zarus must get closer to his target before condemning them to a deathmatch, allowing his opponents more room to react and escape his reach should he seek an engagement attempt. Additionally, similar to Greystone’s Sacred oath, we have resolved an issue that managed to sneak by which caused  Zarus’ Evade Movement Speed Buff to last 50% longer than intended, meaning his general mobility and slipperiness is back to its intended levels.

Evade [Secondary]:

[Bugfix] Movement Speed Duration now correctly lasts for 1.5s, not 2.25s.

Coliseum [Ultimate]:

Targeting Range decreased by 10%.

Cooldown increased from 160/130/100 to 160/135/110.

Web Banner Zinx

Zinx’s general ability to bully out her lane by comboing Bad Medicine’s initial Slow with her Ricochet, all the while being able to retreat or run down her opponent thanks to Triage Protocol, leaves her as a force to be reckoned with. Reductions to both the initial Slow and Triage Protocols uptime are being levied to allow her opponents a greater chance to dodge the secondary explosion or to catch her out while her Passive is on cooldown.

Triage Protocol [Passive]:

Cooldown increased from 17-4.25 (-0.75 per Level) 22-5 (-1 per Level).

Bad Medicine [Secondary]

Initial Slow decreased from 30% to 25%.

Neural Regenesis [Ultimate]:

[Bugfix] Fixed an issue where the Cooldown could be consumed when using it on an Ally just as they die.

Item Balance Changes

Support Crests:

Support Crests are seeing a small shift to their Gold profile. In simple terms, they offer approximately 80 less gold before completion compared to before. However, many of the early-build Support Items have seen a 50g cost reduction to offset this, meaning the income gap between and power spikes for Supports which continue to invest in traditional Support items, and those that greed for items such as Fire Blossom or Raiment, is slightly larger.

Web Banner Consort

Gold Per Second increased from 0.2 to 0.25.

Consort Gold Gain decreased from 20 to 15.

Gold required for Evolution decreased from 240 to 180. 

Web Banner Keeper

Gold Per Second increased from 0.3 to 0.35.

Legendary Consort Gold Gain decreased from 20 to 15.

Gold required for Evolution decreased from 240 to 180. 

Web Banner Guardian

Gold Per Second increased from 0.2 to 0.25.

Guardian Gold Gain decreased from 20 to 15.

Gold required for Evolution decreased from 240 to 180. 

Web Banner Warden Crest

Gold Per Second increased from 0.3 to 0.35.

Legendary Guardian Gold Gain decreased from 20 to 15.

Gold required for Evolution decreased from 240 to 180.


Web Banner Items Iceskorn Talons

Iceskorn Talons tends to stick around in fights for too long, acting as a significant zone control tool even when popped early on in a fight. Additionally, its teamwide power amp is a source of incredible hidden strength that contributes to abnormal damage output that often goes unappreciated while also keeping up with Judgement in its own right. As a result, both the duration and the Physical Power offered are being hit.

Glacial Colosseum Duration decreased from 15s to 10s.

Ally Bonus Physical Power decreased from 15% to 12%.

Web Banner Items Nyr Warboots

More Healing for the booties’, bringing it into far closer contention with the other Tank Crest alternatives.

Resilience Max Health Healing increased from 2.5% to 3%.

Web Banner Items Tempest

Tempest is receiving a slight hit to the Healing its effect offers, reducing the ability for Mages and Magical Bruisers to stick around in fights for too long, given the damage output it provides.

Overcharge Healing decreased from 50% to 40%.


Web Banner Items Dust Devil

Similar to Painweaver in the last balance pass, Dust Devil is also receiving some flat Movement Speed, better differentiating it among Carry Items as a more consistent Mobility option.

3% Movement Speed added.

Web Banner Items Onixian Quiver

Quiver’s ability to mow through close-range targets has it heavily outperforming other alternatives in the damage department and is receiving some reductions as a result.

Multishot Damage based on distance decreased from 16-40% to 12-40%. 

Keen Strikes On-Hit Damage decreased from 20 to 15.

Web Banner Items Solaris

The previous round of changes to Solaris helped it become more desirable for the Carries most accustomed to it. However, the general spike of power it provides is on the strong-side compared to other choices, and some corrections are required to bring it back to a happy medium.

Cost increased from 3000 to 3100.

SolarBlade Critical Strike Chance Scaling decreased from 120% to 100%.


Demon Edge:

Thanks to its Anti-Shielding effect, Demon Edge is, by design, an incredibly niche item. However, in the few games it is desirable to help deal with Shield-heavy teams, it continues to feel difficult to buy due to its stat-line. To remedy this, some Ability Haste is being added, in return for some power, better allowing it to slot into builds when the situation is right for it. 

Physical Power decreased from 45 to 40.

10 Haste added

Recipe: Pendant added.

Web Banner Items Dread

A little extra Magical Armor for Dread, serving as a better defensive option for those Assassins and Divers looking for some protection when diving into heavy magical burst.

Magical Armor increased from 30 to 35.


Web Banner Items Bonesaw

Bonesaw has found itself overperforming recently, providing too many raw stats considering the amount of durability and utility it provides. This combination of Health, Attack Speed, Physical Power, and a Slowing Effect are also heavily alluring for poachers such Serath and Yin that benefit heavily from Attack Speed thanks to their On-Hit effects, allowing them to be bulky for minimal damage trade-off, compared to other traditional builds. Therefore, a heavy hit to Colossal Sunder’s Attack Speed is being levied, further specialising it to the bulky Fighters that use it best. 

Colossal Sunder Bonus Health Scaling increased from 2% to 2.5%.

Colossal Sunder Bonus Attack Speed decreased from 15% to 10%.


Web Banner Items Dreambinder

Dreambinder’s Slow is rather negligible for Heroes that may wish to utilise its effect, such as Morigesh and Iggy, thanks to the reduced value on DoT effects. A small increase to the Slow on DoT effects is being granted to make it a more appealing consideration within builds.

Chilling Spells DoT Slow increased from 10% to 15%.

Web Banner Items entropy

Though small on the surface, Entropy is being granted an increase to the raw damage its effect offers, making it a more significant spike in strength for those Mages with Multiple Damage Instance abilities seeking an alternative damage option to the ‘norm.

Degradation Damage increased from 3 to 4.

Web Banner Golem-s Gift

Golem’s is another item that offers significant raw stats when looking for a Physical Armor injection, but struggles to slot into many builds. Some additional Ability Haste is now being offered to allow it to pair better in those lower Haste builds.

Ability Haste increased from 10 to 15.

Web Banner Items Lifebinder

Less healing, more power. Sorry, Countess. 

Magical Power increased from 80 to 85.

Magical Lifesteal decreased from 15% to 12%

Web Banner Items Prophecy

Prophecy is currently far too efficient in stats, largely due to its inflated gold cost having to justify the purchase. To remedy this while also making it more accessible for its users, it is receiving a rather large reduction in its cost, in return for a cut to its power, better allowing access to its effect at a faster pace at a more reasonable statline.

Cost decreased from 3150 to 3000

Magical Power decreased from 80 to 70.

Web Banner Items Timewarp

A slight reduction in cost to match the Support Crest Gold Reductions. (Don’t worry Support Argus, you may not be the most beloved, but we haven’t forgotten about you.)

Cost decreased from 3100 to 3050.


As mentioned in the Support Crest section, several Support items are seeing a 50g reduction in cost, offsetting the lost gold when purchased in combination and allowing Supports to be on an equal, or slightly faster, gold curve as before. 

Web Banner Items Crescelia (1)

Cost decreased from 2500 to 2450.

Web Banner Items Crystal-Tear

Cost decreased from 2550 to 2500.

Web Banner Items Dawnstar (1)

Cost decreased from 2500 to 2450.

Web Banner Items Dynamo

Cost decreased from 2500 to 2450.

Web Banner Items Hexbound Bracers

Hexbound’s ability to provide effectively infinite Mana to its owner is simply too powerful when purchased, especially when picked up by Narbash specifically as part of a 3-item durable core with Void Conduit and Tainted Charm (try it if you don't believe me). While build diversity is great and we’re happy for him to have alternatives, the efficacy it has when paired with the Orc results in too little counterplay due to the combination of effects, mana sustain, and durability on offer, becoming almost unfair to deal with for the Enemy. As a result, we’re shifting some of its power out of the Mana Regen as other Heroes don’t require it nearly as much, and pushing it into the Anti-Basic Attack effect instead so that other Melee Supports benefit from far more when purchasing it to withstand Basic Attack harassment. 

Cost decreased from 2550 to 2500.

Mana Reactor Mana Restore From Damage decreased from 30% to 20%.

Mana Reactor now only grants Mana on Hero Damage Taken.

Hexed Guard Basic Attack Damage Reduction increased from 4 to 5.

Web Banner Items Lunaria (1)

Slightly higher Heal & Shield Power for Lunaria to make it a little more attractive for Enchanters looking to dish out heavy Heals and Shields. 

Heal & Shield Power increased from 10% to 12%.

Web Banner Items Marshal

Cost decreased from 2600 to 2550.

Web Banner Items Tainted Totem

A small bump in power for Totem, making it more comparable to the strength other Blight options provide for the Enchanters that need it within their build.

Magical Power increased from 45 to 50.

Web Banner Items Truesilver Bracelet

Cost decreased from 2650 to 2600.

Web Banner Items Vanguardian

Cost decreased from 2550 to 2500.

Web Banner Items Void Conduit

Conduit's combination of durable stats and the Haste on offer, paired with its Passive Healing offers too much strength to its owners, and provides too much team-wide sustain as the mid-game rolls around. A reduction in these general areas is required and some raw Health is being offered in return to ensure it meets the durability needs for any Support looking for a tankier Magical Armor option. 

Health increased from 200 to 250.

Ability Haste decreased from 15 to 10.

Relativity Missing Health Regen decreased from 0.75% to 0.5%.


Web Banner Items Elafrost

The previous hit to Elafrost’s damage pushed it too far out of use, with the damage being too negligible compared to Fire Blossom’s spike and not holding up in the early trading or wave clear departments. Given how hard Frostblade falls off, and to ensure it remains a viable alternative to rush next to Fire Blossom, we’re regranting that lost damage to ensure it feels like a significant power spike for Tanks, but reducing its Mana Regeneration in return to ensure its wielders still need to go back to base to top up their Mana reserves from time to time.

Base Mana Regen decreased from 125% to 100%.

Frostblade Damage increased from 40 to 55.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where Match History could display the incorrect VP losses and gains compared to reality.

  • Fixed an issue where matches would not always be cancelled if a player disconnected in the Loading Screen and failed to rejoin.

  • Fixed an issue where Players could incorrectly receive ban punishments when disconnecting in Loading Screen but rejoining and playing as normal. 

  • Fixed an issue where Lt. Belica could play duplicate Voicelines when using her Void Bomb.

  • Fixed an issue where changing Control schemes on Controller mid-match would prevent use of the Emote Wheel.

  • Fixed an issue resulting in a small hole in the floor near Fangtooth Pit.

  • Fixed an issue where Lime and Mauve Recall VFX could continue to play when a Recall is cancelled mid-way.

  • Fixed an issue where Custom Matches would be subject to the same AFK cancellation rules as Public Matches.

  • Fixed an issue where Orb Prime would refuse to Attack Minions in Brawl.

  • Fixed an issue where Orb Prime would use his Abilities too frequently on Sanctuary.

  • Fixed an issue where players would not be prompted with an error when attempting to purchase Platinum with Steam overlay disabled.

  • Fixed an issue where holding the Crest input on Controller could result in dead inputs.

  • Fixed an issue where Wraith’s Peekaboo! Mark SFX could be audible at longer than usual ranges.

  • Fixed an issue where Switching to another Tab and back Home whilst a Variant is on Main menu, causes Default Variant to appear.

  • Fixed an issue where Draft Hero order would be incorrect in the “All Heroes” tab if a player has a Level 8 Affinity on any Hero.

And that’s it for the final patch notes of 2024! What do you think? Let us know your thoughts on Discord or Reddit!
We’re working on an end-of-year message from all of us at Omeda, which we’re aiming to share with you soon—so keep an eye out for that.

Until next time,

Rei, Omeda_Zuzu & Kari

Game Design and Community @ Omeda Studios